Tuesday, July 17, 2012

CoA Sky Fortress

 So its been a little while since I've had an update. That doesn't mean I have not been at work painting though. I just painted up 10 more night goblins (90 to go) and the last 5 savage orcs. I didn't feel the need to post another set of pictures of models that you have already seen for the most part. After that however I started working on my CoA Sky Fortress. Which like I've have already said while the models themselves are beautiful and detailed. Once you start painting them they are almost too detailed and overwhelming. I procrastinated quite a bit while painting this model since I didn't want to do so much detail. But I slowly worked on it and did the details that I thought would be important enough to paint. 

Showing part of the bottem.
Top View

 Overall I think it looks quite good and I am pleased with the overall result of the model. As a last detail the two turrets on the bottom are actually magnetized in so they don't fall off and that way I didn't have to glue them in. I don't know why they put the turrets on the bottom it seems like a design flaw, but they do look pretty cool.

Either way I will continue to post more pictures of my work, and possible soon my thoughts and ideas on the new 6th ed of 40k. I'll try to get some other interesting models that aren't orcs posted, even though half of what I'll be painting will be orcs and goblins. As usual if you like my work leave comments and if you want to follow me.


  1. I see why you were dreading this now. Those tiny windows......

  2. so many windows, but it looks cool. My camera doesnt do my models justice. They look so much better in person
